Friday, April 29, 2022

Assault on our values


A civilisational shift has rocked the
underpinnings of Western societies
In recent years it has become clear that there is a war going
on: a war on the West. This is not like earlier wars, where
armies clash and victors are declared. It is a cultural war, and
it is being waged remorselessly against all the roots of the
Western tradition and against everything good that the
Western tradition has produced.
At first, this was hard to discern.
Many of us sensed that something was wrong. We wondered
why one-sided arguments kept being made and why unfair
claims kept being levelled. But we did not realise the full
scale of what was being attempted. Not least because even
the language of ideas was corrupted. Words no longer meant
what they had until recently meant. People began to talk of
“equality”, but they did not seem to care about equal rights.
They talked of “anti-racism”, but they sounded deeply
racist. They spoke of “justice”, but they seemed to mean
It is only in recent years, when the fruits of this movement
have come into plain sight, that its scale has become clear.
There is an assault going on against everything to do with
the Western world – its past, present and future. Part of that
process is that we have become locked in a cycle of unending
punishment. With no serious effort at (or even consideration
for) its alleviation.
Of course, countries and states have the right to change.
Over time a certain amount of change is inevitable. But there
seemed something loaded in what was going on: something
unbalanced and off-kilter. The arguments were being made
not out of love for the countries in question but out of a
barely disguised loathing for them. In the eyes of many
people, not least within their own populations, these
countries appeared to have done something wrong.
Something for which they must atone. The West was the
problem. The dissolving of the West was a solution.
At the same time, it had become unacceptable to talk about
any other society in a remotely similar way. Despite the
unimaginable abuses perpetrated in our own time by the
Communist Party of China, almost nobody speaks of China
with an iota of the rage and disgust poured out daily against
the West from inside the West.
Western consumers still buy their clothes cheap from China.
There is no widespread attempt at a boycott.
“Made in China” is not a badge of shame. Terrible things go
on in that country right now, and still it is treated as normal.
Authors who refuse to allow their books to be translated into
Hebrew are thrilled to see them appear in China.
Because in the developed West some different standard
With regard to women’s rights and sexual-minority rights,
and in particular when it came to the issue of racism,
everything was presented as though it had never been worse
at the point at which it had never been better. Nobody could
deny the scourge of racism – a scourge that is to be found in
some form throughout recorded history.
Yet, in recent decades, the situation in Western countries in
regard to racial equality has been better than ever. Our
societies have made an effort to get “beyond race”, led by
the example of some remarkable men and women of every
racial background, but most notably by some extraordinary
black Americans.
A war on everything
It was not inevitable that Western societies would develop,
or even aspire to, the tradition of racial tolerance that we
have. It was not inevitable that we would end up living in
societies that justly regard racism as among the most
abhorrent sins. It happened because many brave men and
women made the case, fought for that situation and claimed
their rights. In recent years, it has come to sound as though
that fight never happened.
In recent years, I have come to think of racial issues in the
West as being like a pendulum that has swung past the point
of correction and into overcorrection. As though if the
pendulum stays in a slight overcorrection for long enough,
then equality can be more firmly established.
By now, it is clear that however well-intentioned such a
belief may have been, it was wildly misguided.
Race is now an issue in all Western countries in a way it has
not been for decades. In the place of colour blindness, we
have been pushed into racial ultra-awareness. A deeply
warped picture has now been painted. Like all societies in
history, all Western nations have racism in their histories.
But that is not the only history of our countries.
Racism is not the sole lens through which our societies can
be understood, and yet it is increasingly the only lens used.
Everything in the past is seen as racist, and so everything in
the past is tainted. Though, once again, only in the Western
past, thanks to the radical racial lenses that have been laid
over everything. Terrible racism exists at present across
Africa, expressed by black Africans against other black
Africans. The Middle East and the Indian subcontinent are
rife with racism.
Travel anywhere in the Middle East – even to the
“progressive” Gulf states – and you will see a modern caste
system at work.
There are the “higher class” racial groups who run these
societies and benefit from them. And then there are the
unprotected foreign workers flown in to work for them as an
imported labour class. These people are looked down upon,
mistreated and even disposed of as though their lives were
And in the world’s second most populated country, as
anyone who has travelled through India will know, a caste
system remains in vivid and appalling operation.
Yet we hear very little about this. Instead, the world gets
only a daily report on how the countries in the world that by
any measure have the least racism, and where racism is most
abhorred, are the homes of racism.
This warped claim even has a final extension, which is that if
other countries do have any racism, it must be because the
West exported the vice to them. As though the non-Western
world is always made up of Edenic innocents.
Here again, it is clear that some unfair ledger has been
A ledger in which the West is treated by one set of standards
and the rest of the world by another. A ledger in which it
seems that the West can do no right and the rest of the world
can do no wrong. Or do wrong only because we in the West
made them do it.
These are just some of the symptoms that can be discerned
in our time. The more I have considered them and the
farther across our world that I have travelled, the clearer it
has become that this era is defined by one thing above all – a
civilisational shift that has been under way throughout our
A shift that has been rocking the deep underpinnings of our
societies because it is a war on everything in those societies.
A war on everything that has marked our societies out as
unusual – even remarkable.
A war on everything that the people who live in the West
had, until very recently, taken for granted.
Sign of things to come
If this war is to prove unsuccessful, then it will need to be
exposed and pushed back against. The War on the West is a
book about what happens when one side in a cold war – the
side of democracy, reason, rights and universal principles –
prematurely surrenders. Too often, we frame this fight all
wrong. We allow it to be called temporary or on the fringe or
merely dismiss it as a culture war.
We misinterpret the aims of the participants or downplay
the role it will have in the lives of future generations.
Yet the stakes here are as high as any fight in the 20th
century, with many of the same principles involved – even
with many of the same bad actors. We have gone from
appreciating and weighing up what is good about Western
culture to saying that every part of it must be dismantled.
It is now over 30 years since the Reverend Jesse Jackson led a
crowd of protesters at Stanford University with the chant
“Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go”. Back then,
Jackson and his followers were protesting against Stanford
University’s introductory program “Western Culture”.
They proposed that there was something wrong with
teaching the Western canon and the Western tradition. But it
was what happened next that was so striking.
The university swiftly gave in, replacing the study of
“Western culture” with the study of many cultures. What
happened at Stanford in 1987 was a sign of everything to
In the decades that followed, nearly all of academia in the
Western world followed Stanford’s lead.
The history of Western thought, art, philosophy, and culture
became an ever less communicable subject. Indeed, it
became something of an embarrassment: the product of a
bunch of “dead white males”, to use just one of the
charming monikers that entered the language. Since then,
every effort to keep alive, let alone revive, the teaching of
Western civilisation has met with sustained hostility,
ridicule and even violence.
Academics who have sought to study Western nations in a
neutral light have been prevented from doing their work and
subjected to intimidation and defamation, including from
colleagues. In Australia, the Ramsay Centre for Western
Civilisation, whose board is chaired by former prime
minister John Howard, has tried to find universities to
partner with so students can study Western civilisation.
They have had great trouble finding any universities willing
to work with them. And that tells us something about the
speed of this great shift. Just a couple of decades ago, a
course in the history of Western civilisation was
Today it is so disreputable that you can’t pay universities to
do it.
In 1969, the BBC ran Sir Kenneth Clark’s extraordinary
documentary series Civilisation. It aimed to give a unified
history of Western civilisation, and it did so, informing the
understanding of millions of viewers around the world. In
2018, the BBC tried to follow this up. Civilisations (with an
emphasis on the s) was a hodgepodge creation of three
historians, trying desperately to make sure that they didn’t
sound as if they were saying the West was better than
anywhere else and giving a sort of world history that made
nothing very clear. In a few short decades, the Western
tradition has moved from being celebrated to being
embarrassing and anachronistic and, finally, to being
something shameful. It turned from a story meant to inspire
people and nurture them in their lives into a story meant to
shame people.
Of course, some swing of the pendulum is inevitable and may
even be desirable. There certainly have been times in the
past when the history of the West has been taught as though
it is a story of unabashed good. Historical criticism and
rethinking are never a bad idea. However, the hunt for
visible, tangible problems shouldn’t become a hunt for
invisible, intangible problems. Especially not if they are
carried out by dishonest people with the most extreme
If we allow malicious critics to misrepresent and hijack our
past, then the future they plan off the back of this will not be
It will be hell.
Through the spin cycle
Critics of Western civilisation do provide alternatives. They
venerate every culture so long as it is not Western. For
instance, all native thought and cultural expression are to be
celebrated, just so long as that native culture is not Western.
Two major problems come from celebrating all non-Western
The first is that non-Western countries are able to get away
with contemporary crimes as monstrous as anything that
has happened in the Western past. A habit that some foreign
powers encourage.
After all, if the West is so preoccupied with denigrating
itself, what time could it find to look at the rest of the world?
But the other major problem is that it leads to a form of
parochial internationalism, where Westerners mistakenly
presume that aspects of the Western inheritance are
common aspirations across the rest of the globe. From
Australia to Canada and America and throughout Europe, a
new generation has imbibed the idea that aspects of the
Western tradition (such as “human rights”) are a historical
and global norm that have been rolled out everywhere. In
time, it has come to seem that the Western tradition that
evolved these norms has uniquely failed to live up to them
and that non- Western “Indigenous” cultures are (among
much else) purer and more enlightened than Western
culture can ever be.
These views are taught in universities and schools across the
Western world. And their results can be seen in almost every
major cultural and political institution Everything from art,
mathematics, and music to gardening, sport, and food has
been put through the same spin cycle. There are many
curiosities in all this. Not the least of them is that while the
West is assaulted for everything it has done wrong, it now
gets no credit for having got anything right. In fact, these
things – including the development of individual rights,
religious liberty, and pluralism – are held against it.
This leads us to a second, deeper puzzle. Why open
everything in the West to assault? The culture that gave the
world lifesaving advances in science, medicine and a free
market that has raised billions of people around the world
out of poverty and offered the greatest flowering of thought
anywhere in the world is interrogated through a lens of the
deepest hostility and simplicity.
The culture that produced Michelangelo, Leonardo, Bernini,
and Bach is portrayed as if it has nothing relevant to say.
New generations are taught this ignorant view of history.
They are offered a story of the West’s failings without
spending anything like a corresponding time on its glories.
Every schoolchild now knows about slavery. How many can
describe without irony, cringing or caveat the great gifts that
the Western tradition has given to the world? All aspects of
the Western tradition now suffer the same attack.
The Judeo-Christian tradition that formed a cornerstone of
the Western tradition finds itself under particular assault
and denigration.
But so does the tradition of secularism and the
Enlightenment, which produced a flourishing in politics,
sciences and the arts. And this has consequences. A new
generation does not appear to understand even the most
basic principles of free thought and free expression. Indeed,
these are themselves portrayed as products of European
Enlightenment and attacked by people who don’t
understand how or why the West came to the settlements
that it did over religion. Nor how the prioritising of the
scientific method allowed people around the world untold
improvements in their lives. Instead, these inheritances are
criticised as examples of Western arrogance, elitism, and
undeserved superiority. As a result, everything connected
with the Western tradition is being jettisoned.
At education colleges in America, aspiring teachers have
been given training seminars where they are taught that
even the term “diversity of opinion” is “white supremacist
One-sided debate
I do not wish to shut down the considerable debate that is
going on at the moment. I enjoy that debate and think it
helpful. But to date it has been riotously one-sided.
Politicians, academics, historians and activists getting away
with saying things that are not simply incorrect or
injudicious but flat-out false. They have got away with it for
far too long.
There are many facets to this war on the West. It is carried
out across the media and airwaves, throughout the education
system, from as early as preschool. It is rife within the wider
culture, where all major cultural institutions are coming
under pressure or actually volunteering to distance
themselves from their own past. And it now exists at the
very top of the American government, where one of the first
acts of the new administration was to issue an executive
order calling for “equity” and the dismantling of what it
called “systemic racism”.
We appear to be in the process of killing the goose that has
laid some very golden eggs.
This is an edited extract from The War on the West: How to
Prevail in the Age of Unreason by Douglas Murray, published
by HarperCollins on May 18.

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