Saturday, October 10, 2020

US Historical Temps

List of Historical Temperature Extremes by U.S. State shows no sign of Global Warming


More than 210 degrees Fahrenheit separates the highest and the lowest temperatures on record in the United States, and it isn’t a coincidence that the majority of these temperatures records –for both hot and cold– occur during solar minimums.

This is because low solar activity weakens the jet stream, reverting its usual tight ZONAL flow to more of a wavy MERIDIONAL one. This violent “buckling” effect FULLY explains how regions can experience pockets of anomalous heat while others, even relatively nearby, can be dealing with blobs of record cold: basically, in the NH, Arctic cold is dragged anomalously far south and Tropical warmth is pushed unusually far north (for more see the two links below).

And for you alarmists out here claiming that one-off temperature records can’t be evidence of anything, that the data is far too narrow and open to natural variability, no: if catastrophic global warming was actually a thing then we should absolutely see evidence of this in the all-time maximum temperature records–yet only two U.S. states have set heat records since the turn of the millennium (SO, 2012 & CO, 2019).

While those in control of the temperature graphs (NASA/NOAA) are all too happy to fraudulently increase the running average, what they haven’t (yet) had the balls to do is rewrite the history books:

Historical documentation destroys the man-made global warming theory

The maniacal sociopaths of the world may have won control of the narrative, but they seemingly have little sway over the will of the people. You need only browse the comment section below any “climate change” article or social media post to see the wave of folks resoundingly rejecting the scam-of-a-world-view assembled before them (one of the few positives of SM).

The man-made global warming rejection is likely down to two things: the first being that the so called “scientific consensus” has been failing for far too long — you can’t start warning people in the 1980s that we have 10 years left to save the planet, only to keep repeating that prophecy for the next 4 decades. This is probably the reason our youth have become the new target — kids don’t have this history of failure to draw-upon when browsing the bullet points of the latest IPCC report -for example- meaning they’re far easier to manipulate.

The second reason is likely the availability of climate information these days–namely historical data. Thanks to the internet, researching past climate catastrophes and comparing them to what’s happening today is a simple task. I’m talking about raw historical data, such as the number of deaths caused by a certain natural disaster, or the year and decade of the highest U.S. state temperature records:

The raw data ALWAYS speaks for itself — out of the 50 U.S. state record high temperatures, 23 were set during the 1930s, while 36 occurred prior to 1960. But the powers that be have constructed a rather tenacious, loud, and bullish narrative — on top of the world burning to a crisp, the story also warns that droughts and floods are becoming more extreme.

Comfortably crushing that assertion, however, is another NOAA nugget named the Palmer Drought Index — a century+ dataset plotting the portion of the continental U.S. that is either very wet or very dry.

What the index reveals is that there is no significant trend of increasing drought or flood:

An uptick in hurricanes is another li(n)e we’re fed, it’s actually listed as one of the main results of human-caused global warming. But again, there is no dataset out there that supports either an increase or an intensification of severe storms. In fact, quite the opposite is true, with 9 of the 13 strongest hurricanes to make U.S. landfall occurring prior to 1965. 

NOAA data shows both the number of hurricanes and the number of “strong” hurricanes making U.S. landfall declining since 1900.

When folks are permitted to look at climate data prior to 1980, natural cycles ALWAYS reveal themselves. There are ups & there are downs, and there are ups & downs within the ups & downs — and not a single scientist on the planet fully understands the mechanisms involved, no matter what you’re told.

However, the raw data speaks volumes — it clearly reveals the United States was hotter in the past, meaning that unless the U.S. –the third largest country in the world– is somehow immune, that anthropogenic global warming is a lie.

Perversely, a bout of GLOBAL COOLING will likely be Earth’s next temperature swing, one arriving in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

Both NOAA and NASA actually appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s, and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”, with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

Furthermore, we can’t ignore the slew of new scientific papers stating the immense impact The Beaufort Gyre could have on the Gulf Stream, and therefore the climate overall.

Prepare accordingly— learn the facts, relocate if need be, and grow your own.

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