Article from Into The Deep July 2017
There is a joke about a patient in a psychiatrist’s waiting room who introduces himself to another patient
as Napoleon. The other bloke asks him how he came to realise he was Napoleon. Napoleon answers
confidently, “Jesus told me!” Another patient pipes up indignantly from the other side of the waiting
room, “No, I didn’t!”
If this joke was about gender confusion, we wouldn’t be able to laugh. If it was about a man who
thought he was a woman, we’d be expected to suspend all reality and accept what he believed himself to
be, what he “identified as”. This is what the LGBTI brigade demands of us.
LGBTI stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex; sometimes a Q is added for queer. And
there are plenty more. Most of these “identities” relate simply to who they want to have sex with, or how.
Some of these individuals are quietly misled or misguided, and some are battling privately with their own
demons. These people deserve our sympathy and patience. But the activists, the lobbyists, the vicious,
vocal, anti-religious, anti-freedom-of-speech, intolerant LGBTIQ brigade, I have had more than enough
of. I’m sick of them thrusting their “sexual preferences” into the spotlight and trying to force us to
consider these normal. I’m sick of seeing the acronym LGBTIQ plastered everywhere, and I’m sick of the
“gay pride” events that make everyone celebrate the deviant sexual activities of some. I propose another
meaning for LGBTIQ: Logic – Get Back To It (Quickly!).
We all know that human beings are either male or female. We know that men and women are different.
And we know we are complementary. Male and female together “work” – we are designed that way, two
halves, made to be a whole. A man and a woman join in marriage and their sexual differences join
perfectly to create new life, children that can grow and mature in the shelter of their parents’ love.
We all know what is normal and natural and (bio)logical. Why do we allow ourselves to be bullied into
submission by those who try to convince the world that men can be women, girls can be boys, a man can
have a husband or a woman can have a wife (or any combination thereof), or children can be born to
parents of the same sex.
The vast majority of us has been silenced, afraid to speak of logic. We know that if we say a man in a
dress is still a man, we’ll be accused of being bigots; or if we claim that marriage is between a man and a
woman, we’re haters; or if we think children need a mother and father, we’re judgemental.
It made me look up the old story of the Emperor’s new clothes. Hans Christian Andersen wrote a
profound little tale (published in 1837) about a couple of swindlers who came into town and claimed to
be brilliant weavers of the finest cloth. The cloth was invisible to all who were unfit for their office or who
were “unusually stupid”. The Emperor paid the thieves a fortune for his fine new clothes, and no one was
game to admit that they couldn’t see a thing. He undressed and put on his new clothes and paraded
through town. Everyone in the streets exclaimed how fine the Emperor’s new clothes looked because no
one wanted to be seen as being unusually stupid. It took an innocent child to say, “But he hasn’t got
anything on!” This little child gave the adults courage to state the obvious and the whole town in the end
“cried out at last” that the Emperor had nothing on.
Where is our innocent child to speak the obvious truth? Where is our courage? Or do we just go along with
the pretence of the swindlers? Surely the majority of us still believe in logic. Let’s Get Back To It. Quickly.
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