Saturday, May 29, 2021

Western Civilisation in crisis

Quadrant Magazine

Western Civilisation and its Irrational Critics

14th May 2021

Eugene Alexander Donnini

The Enlightenment philosopher John Locke’s notions of government with the consent of the governed and the idea of natural rights had a profound influence on the Enlightenment and the growth of Western civilisation. Locke believed all human beings were equal before the law, regardless of their religious, cultural, racial or political affiliations, and were entitled to equal opportunities and justice. He believed each human being had basic natural rights to life, liberty and property, and that these rights are rights that one is born with and nobody can take away, for political, religious or other reasons. The right to live means you have the right to be born and live your life in peace. The right of liberty basically means nobody can enslave you or control your thoughts or actions. The right to property means that anybody can buy or own property.

In his most famous work, The Treatise on Civil Government, Locke argues that sovereignty (supreme authority) resides in the people, and explains the nature of legitimate government in terms of natural rights and the social contract (the voluntary agreement among individuals): “Men being by nature all free, equal and independent, no one can be put out of this estate and subjected to the political power of another without his own consent.” Locke recognised the primacy of human freedom and that a legitimate government needs to be established on that basis.

This essay appears in the current Quadrant.
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In Locke’s time nationalism—if it meant anything—meant being subordinate to your local landlord (aristocrat), the monarchy and organised religion, which were not based on any notions of equality of opportunity, freedom of expression, voting, or any other rights, but on keeping the population without rights and property and mostly poor. The civic nationalism Locke and others were in the process of developing was very different, based on the Enlightenment values of the sovereignty of the individual, bipartisan secularism and universal rights, and most importantly, the rule of law, that today underpin most Western constitutions and presuppose all human beings are born free and created equal.

Civic nationalism vs racism

Civic nationalism, through trial and error, has proven historically the most successful, equitable form of government ever devised. What guarantees its success is the equal value of every person based on a voluntary agreement to put Enlightenment values above all other values and laws that relate to religion, culture or anything else. Locke believed these were basic requirements for people who wish to live in peace and harmony. But in Western nations today Enlightenment-derived law and values are being attacked and eroded by governments that treat the sovereignty of their people with contempt, by legislating beyond the mandates they were elected to implement.

Attacks against civic nationalists by the Left and Right are two-pronged. The minuscule ethnocentric Right (ethnonationalists) considers Enlightenment values a threat to the European race, while the Left sees Enlightenment values as a mechanism of the capitalist class to control the workers and exploit their labour. Both these views are false and derived from eighteenth-century mechanistic philosophy (which likens the universe to a large machine) and antiquated tribal nonsense, not historical fact. There has, however, since the 1960s, been a primary shift by the Left away from the capitalist-versus-proletariat classical Marxist theory—which is still used to incite hatred in new recruits but has been almost totally abandoned in terms of ideology and function.

The ethnonationalist far-Right fringe’s use of identity politics as a fundamental marker for human categorisation is as dangerous as it is on the Left—but not as all-pervading and influential as the Left’s command over identity politics and its cancel culture of “wokism” that today has reached saturation level in social media, universities and the corporate world, where skin colour is of primary importance, more so than one’s capacity to do the job. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes identity politics as: “politics in which groups of people having a particular racial, religious, ethnic, social, or cultural identity tend to promote their own specific interests or concerns without regard to the interests or concerns of any larger political group”. Identity politics is a form of ethnocentrism, in other words, the racism of the kind Hitler imposed on the Jews. James Kirchick published an article in Tablet Magazine in August 2019 on the recent tidal wave of left-wing racism in America which exposes this cancer at a systemic level:

The way the left talks incessantly about “white men”, or openly puts membership in victim groups above individual rights and virtues, is the essence of what most people mean by racism. Not “reverse racism”—but real, actual, racism.

The identity politics almost the entirety of the Left and the far-Right fringe are propagating does nothing but generate hatred and divide and destroy whole communities for political ends.

There is nothing stopping any cultural community living in a civic Western nation from practising the traditions of their culture and religion, as long as such practices do not interfere with the rights, freedom and safety of fellow citizens which is guaranteed under the law—fundamentally derived from Enlightenment values. This is one of the primary reasons the West has been so successful and prosperous; why people from all cultures and races migrate to the West and seldom away from it. In other words, the freedom they enjoy also comes with a responsibility to recognise the freedom and rights of others in their community, regardless of religion, culture or skin colour.

Left establishment, alliances and fake news

There is an anti-Enlightenment alliance today that wants to destroy Western civilisation and replace it with a collectivist Marxist dictatorship, an alliance between the intelligentsia, the media, universities, politics and big business, whose ships, ideologically, are all sailing in the same direction (away from Enlightenment values) and whose policies are fundamentally left-wing (E. Harris. Exposure of the Vast Left-Wing Establishment. Huffpost. 26/2/2016). Mainstream media are, to this end, mostly “fake news” (liars), globalist agitators and propagandists. By fake news, I mean a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. Consider the mainstream media coverage and support for the lies circulated by the Bush White House administration, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and that Libya was slaughtering its own people, which was the excuse used by the leftist Obama administration and its allies to destroy and plunder that nation and its resources, costing the lives of 60,000 Libyan civilians.

CNN is historically one of the most unabashed and obvious disseminators of fake news along with most of the mainstream left-leaning media, like MSNBC, the ABC, and most blatantly the BBC. One of the most informative books (now a documentary) about fake news is called Hoaxed: Everything They Told You is a Lie, by Mike Cernovich.

Political scientists and foreign policy experts have used the term “Deep State” to describe individuals and institutions who exercise power in collusion with or independent of national political leaders. Today such individuals and institutions proliferate as non-elected policy-makers in positions of leadership both inside and outside Western nations. It is they who set the basic agenda, who insidiously guide policies and promote mandates that do not have the support of the people. Organisations like the UN, WHO, and EU (all controlled by Marxists) are primarily Deep State enablers whose anti-democratic agendas are enforced or imposed by deception, propaganda and stealth. (See The Deep State. Mike Lofgren, 2016). Also, The Deep State of Europe “Welcome to Hell”, (April 18, 2017) by Basil Coronakis. The Deep State agenda is further imposed by trans-national committees such as the Marxist-inspired “human rights commission”: a department, body or committee constituted by a state or its local government. This may seem harmless, but it’s not, because the commission derives its authority from the United Nations and can usurp the authority of civic nations. Protection for human rights is by definition built into Enlightenment values and law and doesn’t require an outside, non-elected commission to implement, particularly one that is discriminatory, that has a globalist Marxist agenda and whose definition of human rights is defined by that agenda and not applied without discrimination. Where, for example, was the human rights commission that should have stood up to defend the human rights of those tens of thousands of European women and children raped and abused by Muslim grooming gangs, abuses that are still occurring today? Where is the human rights commission that will raise its hand against the current dispossession and mass murder of white South African people? Or the practice of human slavery in Muslim countries? Or the deaths of over 250,000 Christian Middle Eastern Arabs living in Islamic countries? These are but a few of many examples.

Propaganda and lies

The Left establishment (which today in Western nations includes most of the establishment Right) often accuse civic nationalists of being racists, neo-Nazis and fascists, but this is a deliberate and blatant lie. What these collectivists omit to say and which history demonstrates beyond any shadow of a doubt is the exact opposite: the combined civic-nationalist nations of Europe and beyond defeated the Nazis and the Fascists during the Second World War, and also encouraged and assisted the Eastern Bloc nations to liberate themselves from the equally oppressive and barbaric Soviet Marxist regime.

They also omit to inform people that Nazism and Fascism were, like the Soviets, brutal collectivist regimes (closed political systems) that described themselves as socialists, who had nothing but contempt for the values of the Enlightenment—values close to the hearts and minds of those men and women who fought and died so their nations and others would, in future, be free from the collectivist folie à deux tyranny and oppression of left and right-wing collectivism. As Edward Hudgins wrote in D-Day and Enlightenment Values (June 6, 2014):

Fundamentally, fascism and communism both arose because of an eclipse of the Enlightenment principles. Fascism and communism held the group—the “race” and the “proletariat” respectively—as superior to the individual. They rejected reason as a guide to life in favour of mindless, emotional obedience to authority.

Today, mainstream opinion (propaganda) pieces that tell us to stop obsessing over socialism’s past failures, and start to get excited about its future potential, have almost become a genre in their own right. For example, a New York Times article (June 26, 2017) claimed that the next attempt to build a socialist society will be completely different, a claim made by every Marxist buffoon who has ever existed, and with the same disastrous consequences:

This time, people get to vote. Well, debate and deliberate and then vote—and have faith that people can organize together to chart new destinations for humanity … Stripped down to its essence, and returned to its roots, socialism is an ideology of radical democracy.

What utter poppycock! History offers no proof for these statements and demonstrates that those who make them are naive and irresponsible, or conniving ideologues, or just plain ignorant. These neophytes bring nothing new to the debate. In fact, they stifle debate and new ideas at every opportunity. The collectivism they aspire to has not changed ideologically, economically or otherwise. Nevertheless, what they are implying is that all those bloody Marxist regimes that failed in the past were not real Marxism; and when they and their comrades are in charge things will turn out differently. In other words, they’d like us to believe, they are uncontaminated by any proclivity to darkness or sin and thus would bring on the virtuous utopia. When one witnesses the deep hatred, anger and intolerance that permeates much of left-wing politics today, the first impulse anyone should have when confronted by these paragons of virtue is to turn and run.

Collectivism and mass murder

Their remarks about debating and deliberating also need to be clarified. For example, would debating and deliberating come before or after the Marxists are in power and freedom has been abolished? And will those who are critical of collectivism or opposed to it have a voice in a socialist government, in other words, an equal say? Of course not! The very idea of voting is done within a limited context. In other words, all change has to be made within the confines of a socialist government: one of the major hallmarks of a closed political system, which effectively removes one of the fundamental principles of the Enlightenment: the people’s right to vote a government out of office.

Once this right is removed (which fascist/Nazi/Marxist regimes have done and always aim to do) the possibility of rampant nepotism and corruption escalate because the people have no legal redress against them from “outside” the government in terms of a neutral universal law or constitution. In the past, this arrangement has led to the imprisonment, torture and massacre of millions of people—those, for example, who opposed the Nazis (the National Socialist German Workers’ Party), the Fascists, and the Marxists. There have been many books written about right-wing collectivism and a good place to start is Richard Bessel’s Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Comparisons and Contrasts (1996). Right-wing collectivism was responsible for the mass murder of millions of people. It is not however widely known (and today is suppressed knowledge) that left-wing collectivism, in Russia alone, murdered over ten times as many people in an equally brutal fashion as the Nazis, for which there are ample primary source documentation and eyewitness accounts.

The Soviet gulags were filled with people who were critical of or opposed the collectivists. Gustaw Herling-Grudzski wrote A World Apart (1951), in which he describes life in the gulag in a harrowing personal account and provides an in-depth, original analysis of the nature of the Soviet Marxist system. Lenin’s Gulag by Richard Pipes (June 2014), also gives an in-depth account that draws on primary source documentation. The most famous account was Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
The primary source evidence in relation to the similarities of other Marxist dictatorships is overwhelming. For example, look at the Documentation Center of Cambodia, Mapping the Killing Fields. Through interviews and physical exploration, DC-Cam identified 19,733 mass burial pits, 196 prisons that operated during the “Democratic” Kampuchea (DK) period, and eighty-one memorials constructed by survivors of the DK regime. If you look at the history of the USSR and its occupied states in the Eastern Bloc (see Nikolai Dekker, Genocide in the USSR, 1958), you will see a familiar pattern of mass murder and oppression emerging. Many of these regimes called themselves “democratic” socialist republics.

A pattern of socioeconomic failure extends to every single Marxist state that has existed, the latest variant is Venezuela, where starvation is rampant and people are eating pets and zoo animals to survive, as Forbes reported in April 2017.

Collectivists are not anti-capitalist, they are anti-freedom

It is a myth and a smokescreen selectively disseminated by the Left that somehow the majority of corporations are anti-Left, in other words, opposed to globalisation and aligned to the interests of nation-states. This preposterous idea is used as propaganda when it suits, but is a long way from the reality of corporate-global-banking-political inter-connectedness. In Jihad vs McWorld (July 30, 1996), Benjamin Barber correctly states:

By many measures, corporations are more central players in global affairs than nations. We call them multinational but they are more accurately understood as post-national, transnational or even anti-national. For they abjure the very idea of nations or any other parochialism that limits them in time or space.

Corporations play a major role in leftist globalisation processes, which involve the integration and control of not only a nation’s resources but also its communication systems, ideas, culture and economy into a one-world corporate network. In terms of communication and media, look at the role played by staggeringly wealthy giant corporations like CNN, ABC, MSNBC, SBS, BBC, FOX, Al Jazeera, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, Patreon and others. These are massive global corporate business concerns that have a hegemony over human communication and the spread of ideas worldwide. Most of them are left-wing progressives (collectivists) with a pro-globalist bias, who are now active in the process of de-platforming (censoring) any ideas critical of or opposed to their global agenda, as Samuel Westrop points out in Silicon Valley Censorship (July 26, 2007):

The same level of discrimination and censorship is incorporated into anti-Enlightenment, undemocratic toxic laws, that are being imposed by Western governments, attacking free speech, freedom of the press, the spread of new ideas and laws that compel citizens to use certain words and phrases and forbid them from using others under the threat of prosecution and/or imprisonment.

And as Jordan Peterson noted in The Hill (10/18/16), in relation to Canada’s new CA legislation:

There is, however, a crucial difference between laws that stop people from saying arguably dangerous words and laws that mandate the use of politically-approved words and phrases. We have never had laws of the latter sort before, not in our countries.

The West is the best

The basis of rational, reasonable, empirical, scientific Western thought grew out of the Enlightenment and was all founded on a lack of belief in authority: the authority of the church, the aristocracy, and the state. Instead of “faith”, Enlightenment philosophers demanded investigation and evidence to seek the truth. They had confidence in humanity’s intellectual powers, both to achieve systematic knowledge of nature and to serve as an guide in practical life. This confidence is generally paired with scepticism towards forms or carriers of arbitrary authority (such as superstition, prejudice, myth, ideological possession, propaganda and miracles), insofar as these are seen to compete with the authority of one’s own reason, evidence and experience. The message of the Enlightenment is that the process of becoming self-directed in thought and action through the awakening of one’s intellectual powers leads ultimately to a better, more fulfilled existence, and for this we have overwhelming proof.

The arts and sciences of the West within the context of civic nations have flourished, resulting in the greatest scientific advancements and inventions in human history. The abolition of diseases, poverty and slavery, the creation of the internet, putting human beings on the moon, sound infrastructure construction, and technology, air travel, the wonders of nanotechnology and quantum physics … the list goes on. Why do you think people migrate to the West, mostly from anti-democratic (Marxist) and other (Islamic) closed societies? It is because the West, with all its imperfections, is free, creative and prosperous. The bulk of modern inventions are products of the West, not of closed societies who already believe they have the truth from an authority, who cower before their tribal gods and the dictates of tyrannical clerics, intelligentsia and governments infested with nepotism who rob the people of their rights and freedom, expecting blind obedience, giving nothing in return but utopian fairy-tales, torture, socioeconomic failure and death.

Friday, May 07, 2021

Climate Hysteria

Is climate hysteria the storm before the calm?


Global panic over climate action is not based on facts, says Barack Obama’s chief scientist

Demands to act on climate change reached fever pitch at President Joe Biden’s climate summit last month, where 40 world leaders gathered on Zoom to outdo each other in their ambitions to slash carbon dioxide emissions to achieve “net zero” by 2050.

For well over half the population, to question the urgency of “action on climate change” is to question science itself, to wish a dystopian climate carnage on mankind. “It’s the existential crisis of our times,” the President said. “The signs are unmistakeable. The science is undeniable. But the cost of inaction keeps mounting.”

Yet for New York University scientist Steven Koonin, Barack Obama’s former chief scientist, it’s anything but. The gap between rhetoric and facts has never been greater. His new book, Unsettled, released digitally this week, hasn’t lobbed a grenade so much as fired a bazooka at the climate “consensus”.

“Leaders talk about existential threat, climate emergency, disaster, crisis, but in fact when you actually read the literature, there is no support for that kind of hysteria at all,” he says. “The science is insufficient to make useful projections about how the climate will change in coming decades, much less what effect humans will have on it.”

Koonin, “increasingly dismayed” by climate alarmism, will be hard to “cancel”. He’s still alive, a self-declared Democrat, with impeccable academic and career credentials: a Caltech-trained physicist who became chief scientist at BP in 2005 and then Barack Obama’s undersecretary for science in 2009.

Yes, the planet has warmed, he concedes, and the burning of fossil fuels is partly to blame, but the impact is tiny, complex and uncertain, and occurs against a backdrop of natural climate change over thousands of years that dwarfs the recent increase in temperature.

At least half the warming since 1950 — about 0.7 degrees — is due to human influence, but it could just as easily be a quarter, climate science says.

“We are trying to understand a chaotic, multiscale system with incomplete observations, so it’s no surprise the science isn’t settled,” Koonin says. Humans affect only around 1 per cent of the world’s natural energy flows.

“We have this big system and we’re tickling it a bit,” he adds.

Since 1880, as far back as modern measurements go, global average temperature has risen haphazardly by about one degree centigrade. But it rose as rapidly between 1910 and 1940 — when emissions and the Earth’s population were tiny fractions of today’s levels — as the average temperature did over the past 30 years.

“Variations in the temperature are not at all unusual; what’s of interest is to what extent the changes are driven by humans or part of natural variation,” Koonin says, pointing out that the world’s temperature has been much higher, and much lower, in the distant past

The 1600s saw a little ice age, while the dinosaurs put up with much warmer weather.

In short, zoom in, and it looks scary; zoom out, and it’s hard to see what all the fuss is about.

Conveying the findings of climate science to the public has been akin to Chinese whispers, where the final message has been misinterpreted, exaggerated, and cherrypicked by bureaucrats, politicians and journalists, to the point it’s barely recognisable.

For instance, the latest climate science finds heatwaves are no more common than they were a century ago; the warmest temperatures in the US haven’t increased in the past 50 years.

Global wildfires have declined more than 25 per cent since 2003, and humans have had no detectable impact on the hurricanes. You’d never read that in any mainstream press.

As for the sea level, it’s been rising for 20,000 years, including by 25cm since the late 19th century — a drop in the ocean given it was 6m higher 125,000 years ago.

Even current trends indicate the sea level is rising 3mm a year, or enough to rise one metre in 333 years. Bondi is still a good long-term investment.

Climate scientists say temperatures could rise between 1.5 and 4 degrees over the next century.

What about if it rises three degrees by 2100, or twice the 2015 Paris climate change conference target?

“The net economic impact … if this happened would be minimal,” Koonin says, taking the analysis straight out of the latest UN climate change assessment.

“Even for five degrees of warming, GDP in around 2100 would be 6 or 7 per cent lower than it would otherwise be,” he explains. And even then, we would still be far richer than we are today.

Prophets of climate doom exclusively use the most unrealistic of the IPCC’s assumptions about the future, known as “RCP8.5”.

It assumes the world’s population grows to 12 billion from less than 8 billion today by 2100, and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere triples. Never mind emissions are already falling in most advanced countries, which have promised to halve them by 2030.

Why has climate science been so twisted and obfuscated? As with COVID-19, fear sells, so news media have little interest in context or facts that might make the disaster narrative less compelling.

Secondly, “action” on climate change demands significant government intervention. Supporters of drastic climate change policies tend to also support extreme Keynesian economics and an activist welfare state.

In other words, even if apocalyptic climate forecasts turn out to be very wrong, policies to cut emission would have, conveniently for them, seen a significant growth of government.

“Do you believe in climate change?” It’s apt phraseology. No one ever asks if you understand climate change. For most people, this “belief” is little different from religious faith, taken on word from the high priests of climate change.

What’s worrying is that the advocates for drastic action to stop climate change, in the media and bureaucracy tend to be the same people who have made significant errors about COVID-19, a phenomenon that should have been much easier to forecast than the climate 100 years from now.

For all our sakes, let’s hope they aren’t so wrong about the outlook for global temperatures, given the increasing marginal cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

In 1982, the head of the United Nations Environment Program forecast “an ecological catastrophe as devastating as a nuclear war”.

Nothing remotely like that has come true.

If Koonin’s less alarmist take on climate science prove mores in keeping with reality, a lot of people will be very embarrassed in coming decades. For everyone else, much poorer than they might have been, the amusement will be small consolation.

‘Leaders talk about existential threat … when you actually read the literature, there is no support for that kind of hysteria at all’

Thursday, May 06, 2021

The Reality of Trans

 We were very moved, as we know many others were, by the testimony of Leanne Mills which was published in the Daily Mail on December 13th last year. Leanne, who was born a boy, Lee Anthony, began to feel gender dysphoric at age four and had sex reassignment surgery at age 34. Leanne is concerned that young trans people are not being given the full facts about transitioning.

Leanne wrote to us with a link to a subsequent article in the Nottingham Post and to explain the rationale behind the decision to go to the press: to warn and to help others, particularly young people who may be considering transition. We asked Leanne to write an open letter to those young people and give the other side of a story which is usually portrayed to children as only positive and affirming. We publish the letter below and we are very grateful to Leanne for writing it and allowing us to use it.

In Leanne’s own words:

“I do hope it goes down well, though I know many trans people will feel extremely hurt by what I say. This grieves me but I feel the truth of transitioning must be told for the sake of the young.”

Our thanks to Leanne for having the courage to take this risk and for speaking out publicly to help others.


A Letter to Young Trans People

Like you I was once a trans teenager. Decades ago I participated in a TV documentary in which I attempted to show how difficult life was for a young transsexual, for example in trying to find work. I saw the programme again recently and the first thing that struck me was how naive I seemed as I touchingly described my hopes for the future. I can be forgiven for that, I was only 19 after all.

Since then I’ve been through the transition (the most challenging period of my life) and nearly a quarter-of-a-century later still have gained much enlightenment in my ‘female’ role.

I use quotes here, for the most profound lesson I’ve learned is that I can NEVER be a ‘real’ woman. This is not born of opinion, but of cold, indifferent medical and scientific evidence. I realise that statement is crushing to all trans women (or transmen if going the other way), regardless of how breath-takingly convincing your transformation might be. But simple logic dictates that I can never escape the male body which Nature imposed on me at birth. Though I’ve permitted drastic and intrusive surgical modifications it shall forever be male. I’m reminded by the evidence on a daily basis. For example I still find it necessary to shave off facial hair despite having had laser treatment. I must continue to take female hormones for the rest of my days or my bones will start to decay and fracture. And that’s not all – the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis, heart attacks or strokes is ever present.

I can’t bear children for I possess no uterus. Don’t even bother to ask me where the menopause is supposed to come in. I am unable to experience love as a woman because my vagina is artificial, a mere tube of penile skin that lacks feeling. When I came out of hospital in 1995 I was handed a collection of glass dilators which were required to keep it from shrinking; This happens because Nature resents Mankind’s meddling and fights back, attempting to close a space between my thighs that really shouldn’t be there. As a consequence also I am beset by messy post-op complications, causing a painful burning sensation which sometimes is excruciating. Some individuals even suffer prolapse, finding themselves on and off the operating table. Vaginal reconstruction is in itself a risky affair, any wrong move on the surgeon’s part can lead to lasting damage to the bladder or rectum. Others find they cannot pass water, requiring an emergency visit to the hospital. Tragically none of this will be found referenced on the Mermaids website.

My male past shall forever haunt me, no biological female ever began as a man after all. When out in public I feel I must always be on my guard lest someone ‘read’ me, that is to say see through the illusion of femininity that I project. For example characteristics like jaw-line, large hands, tallness, especially the adam’s apple can be tell-tale signs that one is not what one appears to be. Indeed in the final analysis all I can ever hope to be is a facsimile of a woman. I was born trapped in a man’s body. The only way I will ever leave it is when I take my last breath. All I can truly claim to be innately feminine is my demeanour, my emotional responses, my self-expression, my interaction with others…

So does it mean then that all the pain, abject misery and hell I’ve clawed my way through for many years now amount to nothing? Not necessarily. Though sex reassignment surgery is a pragmatic solution, it does not alone resolve the hell of gender dysphoria. I believe the key to survival is calm, logical acceptance of clinical reality together with the limitations that fact places on the transsexual person.

For many transitioning today who fail to comprehend the reality I describe, I fear you will only meet with disaster.

How many of you, for instance, are even doing so for the right reasons? There will be those (influenced by social media) who see it as cool, merely swept along with the many trends and fads that mark our modern age. Others are inspired by the glamour, competing with their peers for those coveted ‘likes’. The trans celebs must take responsibility here, placing too much focus on beauty rather than pragmatism, after all excuse me if I suggest that none of them ever seem to look like ‘the back end of a bus’. And their encouragement of young followers to purchase hormone pills over secret sites on the web is dangerous in the extreme. More will be transitioning in the belief that ‘the grass is greener on the other side’, an answer to inner feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy, or simply searching for love which you feel lacking in your lives.

And that doesn’t even begin to include the countless numbers who are just confused, possibly being gay, cross-dresser, asexual or even autistic as opposed to transsexual. Mermaids are dangerously muddying the waters still further, overly-promoting gender identity theories based on nothing more sound than faith and philosophy. They need to understand that no matter how hard trans people are encouraged to believe or feel themselves to be a member of the opposite sex, it will not make it so – and neither will limitless surgery.

Looking ahead, you will be infertile (especially crossing over so young) so you can forget ever having children yourselves. That also means no grand-children. What you also don’t realize is you have youth on your side only for now. Old age comes to us all. The looks that we all seek will no longer be as much in evidence 30-40 years from now, many of your friends will have moved on and family members passed away (as for all people). But the most important thing you should know is that there are very few men and women in society who will commit themselves to a life with a transsexual person. I know this from experience. And then there is societal prejudice – you simply can’t force people to love you no matter what legal rights you may be given, that’s basic human nature. The most unfortunate will find themselves chronically lonely, isolated and maybe even suicidal.

Of course I’m not suggesting that everyone will end floundering on the rocks, you do get happy endings. But the ones that don’t make it are indeed out there in significant numbers, unseen and unheard. I am merely one who has chosen to come out of obscurity and present an alternative reality in the hope of slowing the runaway train of the ‘trendy to be trans’ culture.

Transition if you truly feel that is the right path for you (not because someone else suggests you do) but be a realist and acknowledge that the end result may fall rather short of your original dream. I don’t wish to be flippant but only Dr. Who could manage the most flawless and genuine sex change ever witnessed.

Leanne Mills